Evaluate your Hair Care routine

Image Development Step 14 (Style): Evaluate your Hair Care routine: Your techniques, products & tools should grow & maintain healthy hair

Everyone follows some sort of hair grooming routine but, take the time to evaluate what you currently do and determine if it should be upgraded. Take a look at your lifestyle; a healthy lifestyle is the basis for healthy hair. To grow and maintain healthy hair, manage stress, get plenty of sleep, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol drinking, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and eat nutritous food.  Examine the techniques, products, and tools you use to care for your hair and determine if the steps and tips outlined below can be incorporated in your existing regimen:

  • Wash your hair regularly. Use warm water; hot water can dry and irritate your scalp. Use a shampoo and conditioner that match with your hair type. Harsh chemicals in shampoo and conditioners can strip your hair of the oils which prevent a buildup of dirt, making your hair dry. Use mild organic or botanically based products.
  • Evaluate your drying techniques. Applying extreme heat damages your hair.  When using a blow dryer, keep it rotating and at a distance away from your hair. If drying your hair naturally, pat your hair dry with a towel and let the remaining moisture dry by air.
  • Take care in selecting the tools to comb and brush your hair. Use combs with widely spaced teeth and smooth tips.  Choose a brush with bristles made from natural animal hairs, which is softer and more flexible. Wash your comb and brushes weekly using soap or shampoo.
  • Comb hair when needed and brush your hair twice a day. Try to comb and brush your hair with downward stokes.
  • Avoid putting hair products directly on your scalp because they clog the pores on your head and stunt hair growth.
  • Cut off split ends and keep your hair neatly trimmed.

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Use Makeup to paint your Image

Image Development Step #13: Apply Makeup to maximize your best features and let your true inner beauty shine through.  Use Makeup to paint your Image.  

Study your physical features.  What do you like about your face; do you have beautiful skin, great eyes, gorgeous lips, striking lips? You must find something you like and avoid focusing on perceived flaws and imperfections. Concentrate on your best features and find ways to make them pop.

The primary purpose of makeup is to highlight and enhance your natural beauty. Try not to pile on or hide behind makeup. Apply makeup to maximize your best features and let your true inner beauty shine through.  You should aim for a fresh and natural look by using quality light-weight cosmetics that allow your skin to breathe and create a soft healthy glow. You are a master artist and your face is the canvas. Pick up a brush and use makeup to paint an image that truly reflects who you are at the core.

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Practice a daily Skin Care routine

Image Development Step 11 (Style): Your skin is a window to your lifestyle & health. For radiant skin, practice a daily Skin Care routine.

Men and women should aspire to have fresh, natural, and healthy skin. Your skin is a window to your lifestyle and health. If you smoke, drink or take drugs heavily, lack sleep, are under tremendous stress, are excessively exposed to the sun and pollutants, all of these things will show on you skin.  To maintain skin that looks clean, healthy, radiant, and well-hydrated, practice a regular Skin Care routine as outlined:

  1. Begin with a gentle, smoothing Facial Cleanser to remove dirt and impurities from the face. Dampen face, neck, and hands, apply a small amount of cleanser with water to form bubbles and massage gently in a circular motion. Use an eye makeup remover that is gentle and does not irritate the eye. Rinse off with tepid water.
  2. Use a regenerating Toner to remove makeup or cleanser residue and to tighten the skin.
  3. Put on an intensive renewal Serum to add nutrients into deeper layers of your skin.
  4. Apply a corrective Eye Crème to reduce puffiness and dark circles.
  5. Rub on a Day Crème with SPF 20 to hydrate and protect the skin from external elements of sun and wind.
  6. To renew your skin while you sleep, use a Night Crème to ultra-hydrate the skin.

If you have sensitive or thin skin,  use an exfoliator once a week. If your skin is on the oily side,  exfoliate up to twice a week. Apply an exfoliating cleanser to a loofah,  gloves, or scrubbing sponge and use to remove dead skin cells so that new ones may rise.

To complement your skin care regimen:

  • drink a least 8 glasses of water a day to stay properly hydrated
  • get plenty of sleep: 6 to 8 hours a night
  • exercise regularly; at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week.

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Conduct an Image Assessment

Image Development Step 2: Conduct an Image Assessment. Do you have the attitude, skills, and style to get you where you want to go?

Do you have the goods required to achieve your goals? What is working for you and what has to change? What are your strengths and weaknesses? To answer these key questions, complete an Image Assessment to evaluate your personality, attitude & beliefs, skills, and style. 

During the assessment,  determine your personality style and characteristics; identify things that influence and motivate your behaviors in specific situations? Are you serious, quiet and reserved, kind and sensitive, reflective and idealistic, analytical, determined, creative, idealistic, traditional, organized, people-oriented, fun-loving, assertive? Learning more about your personality can help you gain better knowledge of self, improve interpersonal relations with others, and increase your probability of success.

Analyze your attitudes, values, and beliefs and reflect on how they are impacting your ability to achieve your goals. What are your likes and dislikes? Do you have a positive attitude about life and your chances for success? Are your core beliefs helping or harming you? To learn more about attitudes, values, and beliefs read: Dolores Albarraci, Blair T. Johnson, and Mark P. Zanna. The Handbook of Attitudes. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005

Take an inventory of your skills and assess your proficiencies. What Technical or Business Skills do you have? Do you possess Basic Skills: Active Listening, Critical Thinking, Speaking, and Writing? How are your Social Skills: Negotiation, Persuasion, and Social Perceptiveness? What skills do you need to acquire?

Your personal style is displayed through clothing, hair, makeup, and accessories. What is your personal style: Natural, Classic, Romantic, or Creative? What image are you projecting to the public?

This assessment will aid in developing a comprehensive Image Makeover Plan.

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Determine who you are and where you want to go?

In today’s economic climate, the impact of your image and personal brand is critical to the success of your business and career. Celebrities, athletes, and politicians have been developing and nurturing their pubic image for ages. Now,  anyone interested in influencing others and making money should determine the image required for their personal success. Let’s be clear, we are not talking about a fake, plastic, phony image. We recommend you focus on presenting an image that clearly represent who you are, what you do, where you want to go, and what you want to be known for. In the next series of blogs, we offer steps, tips, and recommendations on ways to create a personal brand and Make yourself Memorable.

Image Development 101

Step 1: Determine who you are and where you want to go

Reflect on who you are really. Grab a notebook and answer the following questions truthfully:

  • Who are you at the core of your being; deep in your soul?
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your core skills?
  • If you could not fail, what would you do?

 Determine where you want to go in life by answering the following questions:

  • What are your short and long-term goals?
  • What are your personal goals?
  • What are your career and/or business goals?
  • What would you like to accomplish in life
  • What legacy do you like to leave the world?

 The answer to these questions should help shape  the most effective and powerful image. This is the single most important step in an Image Makeover.

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Great Holiday Spa Party!!!

What a SPECTACULAR Event!!! Well and Chic would like to thank  everyone who came out to our Holiday Spa Party last night. We had a wonderful time pampering and serving you. The Christmas Decorations (Red and God) were  beautiful and the calming aroma, music, and lights were absolutely fantastic. Great food is always important to nourish the body, mind, and soul.

We were very happy to hear that folks loved our Full Body Detox Massage treatment and Foot Massage. Thanks to our Masseuse Kym straight from Italy. You have the MAGIC TOUCH!!!

Everyone went home looking FABULOUS after our Makeup Artist Carolyn got though with them. The Facial Massage and complete makeover finished off the evening. A special thanks to our Makeup Artist extraordinaire Caroline. YOU ROCK!!

Thanks Melinda for helping hands!!! We appreciate your support.

We used a line of pure, safe, botanically based products from Arbonne International.

We are here to create a UNBELIEVEABLE EXPERIENCE for you, your family and friends. Give us a call for consultation.

Check here often to learn more about our upcoming events.

Love and Peace!

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Time for a Detox

Are you feeling fatigue, suffering from allergies, see bags under your eyes, or have a bloated stomach even if you are thin? Join me on a short 7 day Detoxification Program . By detoxing , we stimulate the liver to eliminate toxins from the blood in the liver, as well as elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin. We give our internal organs a thorough cleansing.

On this program we will…

  • Take a mild botanically based, 7-day Body Cleanse Dietary Supplement
  • Eliminate alcohol, coffee, refined sugars, and saturated fats from our diet
  • Drink green tea
  • Drink 34 to 68 ounces of water a day
  • Eat lots of fiber and organic fresh fruits and vegetables such as artichokes, beets, broccoli, cabbage, radishes, and seaweed
  • Exercise

Of course, we don’t think this program will be easy but, you can do it.. We will keep you posted on our progress and invite you to share your experiences with us.

We start the week of December 5th.

ARE YOU IN!!! We want to hear from you.


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